Dinner Wine Sponsor
Leverage.biz is a platform helping build global citizens of tomorrow. Under its flagship Leverage Edu brand, it provides a counselling product that helps young people choose what they want to do with their life, where, and how. LeverageEdu is supported by the world's largest content library at Wings , the Study Abroad with Leverage Edu app, test preparation apps Leverage Live, Leverage IELTS & Leverage TOEFL , and a SaaS operating system for universities Univalley AI. Education only begins the journey for our global citizen of tomorrow, hence the Fly ecosystem takes it forward. Within Fly Finance , we help with education loans, central-bank licensed international remittance service, opening an international bank account while still in home country, and getting a debit card with existing credit history imported. Fly Homes , helps find verified student accommodation, operating with an inventory of 1.5 million rooms already in its first year of launch. Another latest addition here has been Desi Khana Abroad by Fly X Leverage, subscription services for home food when you miss it the most, right as you land!
Entertainment sponsors - Leverage